Light Reading? Don’t Believe it.

Light reading is not exactly how I would describe this pile. All of my book research library holds always come in on the same day, proving not only . . . wait . . . the only thing this collection proves is my level of nerdiness.

Confessions of a Not-So Light Reading Addict

Did I read most of these? No. I’ve sort of perfected the skim read in terms of research. I know most of the time what I am looking for and dig into those areas. I admit, there are some interesting areas of learning that are lost in this process. However, part of learning to research for novels is learning how to let a million storylines go in order to get to the one you are actually going to tell.

So many choices! Sometimes it feels like I will never get to that single nugget. That is when I return all of the library books and just rely on the good ole imagination. There really is such a thing as too much research. I think one of the issues that I face the most is just trying not to know everything. Yes, it’s exciting to learn. No, it’s not exciting to get distracted by every little bit of writing I discover.

I have to admit that Jorge Guillermo and H.W. Parke’s takes on the Sibyls were not my cup of tea. Very dude focused. The whole pile is actually a bit too intellectual for my needs. T.S. Eliot never got read, sadly.

Back to the library for a more feminist take.