Woman On The Wall – Cover Reveal

This week, I’ve had so much fun with different cover reveal events for Woman On The Wall.

@robinriversauthor #greenscreen #coverreveal #coverrevealday #booktok #novel #historicalfantasy #monalisa #worldwarII #frenchresistance #sibyls #alternatehistory ♬ Badass Woman – Meghan Trainor

I admit that I legitimately am in love with my cover designer, Ken Henderson. This 20-year love affair has produced two awesome kiddos and a heat-seeking sphynx cat. So, it’s not as torrid as it sounds. My husband – who has worked as an artist in the entertainment industry for 30 years – constantly works on projects with me. It made sense that the novel continue in that tradition. I really should get him in the video for the next TikTok cover reveal.

He brought the vision of this project together, seamlessly intertwining the historical with the fantastical. Ken is going to blog here on his process soon, so stay tuned.

So, now that you’ve seen TikTok and Instagram, let’s get down to the business of the full view:

Woman On The Wall

What do you think of it? I’m thrilled with the vibe, even though Ken and I had a serious debate over the use of a much brighter blue for the more mystical elements. I voted for a more yellow neutral tone. Ken convinced me after a lesson in colour theory. Always the student, I am!