28 October 2022

A bunch of my friends asked me this week about solo travel advice for women since I often travel by myself. Traveling solo as a woman of a certain vintage is a unique experience. There are many points in a woman’s life where traveling alone may seem depressing or scary. Not in your 50s. It…

22 October 2022

It’s no joke when I say I have tossed around writing a fantasy about the Mona Lisa for almost ten years. So, to finally have done it and be able to go back to France and look at the Woman On The Wall exactly as I depicted her (at times). . . whew. What a…

20 October 2022

Location scouting in France is something for which I have fallen hard. Walking the actual grounds of the main settings of The Sibylline Chronicles gives me a sense of place that cannot be found any other way. Yes, there’s the Internet. But, my mind only sets itself on a place after I’ve done the walking….

19 October 2022

I remember debating, long ago, whether I should even bother going to Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud. It was a bit of a haul from my flat in Amboise in 2019. A train, then a bus. Almost six hours for 50km of travel. However, something kept nudging me. Spend the night in the former abbey. Walk…