21 May 2019

 I’ve spent the last few days scouting novel locations and building out the beats for a larger project about the Sibylline. One of the big holes was an ancient, mystical location in Ukraine. Scouting story locations is one of the most fun parts of writing. It inevitably leads me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole…

26 August 2018

One of my favorite pieces of plotting out a novel is the process of casting characters for all of the parts. A dear friend of mine, BC film writer and YVR Screen Scene maven Sabrina Furminger and I once even cast an entire novel full of Canadian actors. Some may call it procrastination, we called it character study!…

18 January 2017

I love soundtracks. So, it seems natural that soundtracks for novels would be my thing. Let me tell you about it. My oldest daughter and I were crashed out on the couch the other night soaking up an extend dose of girl time. We’d picked Pitch Perfect because, well, the singing thing.  We sing. In our house….

18 March 2016

Bullying is on my mind. Right now, I’m camped out at the dining room table. Rare March sunshine filters through the picture window. I am eyeballing my 5-year-old eating her favourite chicken noodle soup. Her life, well, it’s pretty straightforward. Kindergarten is like that. The 5-year-old universe is about coming to terms with the reality…