3 June 2019

The older I get, the more I want mid-life female protagonists in the novels I read. It’s like we don’t exist. While browsing Pinterest this morning, I came across a quote that starts, “As I get older . . .” and ends with, “Your late 20s are when you start to figure everything out.” Late…

11 February 2019

Tools for writers is a topic that is endlessly discussed. Yet, there never seems to be enough about it. Writers love anything that makes writing fun, easy, and creates a bit of ambience. So, it makes sense that we are using our writing time searching for tools to do the job. I’ve been writing for…

30 September 2018

Ancient libraries are an absolute passion of mine. If I could, I would run off and live forever in one. Instead, I pretend. Magical worlds are a thing at our house. My husband, a concept illustrator, is always designing new worlds on paper or the computer. The constant themes in my head lend always to…

26 August 2018

One of my favorite pieces of plotting out a novel is the process of casting characters for all of the parts. A dear friend of mine, BC film writer and YVR Screen Scene maven Sabrina Furminger and I once even cast an entire novel full of Canadian actors. Some may call it procrastination, we called it character study!…