17 March 2020

The teenager ripped my face off yesterday. Nearly a week into quarantine, and she’s ready to slay dragons — and, of course, not exactly how I’d approach it. Don’t get me wrong, lockdown — in a small, Vancouver apartment — with four cranky, scared, and bored people is, well, limiting. However, when I say things…

16 March 2020

I cant. I just can’t today. There’s just too much. Last night, each dream was about losing our house, our livelihood, and our children . . . One kid was sick and we hid the news. One kid defied us and made other people sick. Our car fell into a bog. The house was in…

10 September 2019

Eye glasses for life At age six, I couldn’t see the board at school. My little spirit shook the first time I sat in the big, fake leather chair at the eye doctor’s office. Twice, sometimes three, and even four, times a year, I sat in that same chair. The world around me blurred in…

5 July 2019

I never wanted to be one of those novelists managing day jobs. Yet, I got up this morning planning to work on an article for a corporate client. This is pretty straightforward work, crafting a piece based on an interview I did last week about a technical topic I’ve done a fair bit of reading…