24 August 2018

My latest novel, The Maiden of Gevaudan, is out for submission. Update, 2023: TMG has gone through multiple revisions and, to no surprise, I am still in love with the premise. However, after five years, I am most definitely going back and rewriting the whole thing. Look for updates on this project and more in…

6 August 2018

The Bastard of Istanbul is such a great book. I binge read. It happens more often than I am willing to admit. I get into a writer and then have to read everything I can get my hands on by them. It happened last year with Kate Mosse, earlier this year with Herta Mueller, C.C….

8 July 2017

Historical fiction authors are a close-knit bunch. I’m back after a long quiet period while I finished working with editors to get my novel ready for agents. This emergence from the writing cave could not have kicked off better than a recent evening with three of my favourite writers touring here in Vancouver. I am forever…

9 January 2017

I’ve been busy figuring out war and the nature of power these days. To Read Up On Hypatia of Alexandria and build more of the Sibylline world, I went to the Greek warriors. Here is my novel research reading for this week. Greek Philosophers and War Thucydides’ was exactly the kind of wisdom Hypatia would…