7 July 2019

Ah, the plight of a Canadian in France. This past Tuesday marked 90 days until I leave. “Three months!” most people say. “You must chill!” “Only three months!” I tell them. “So much to do.” Bring on a wee bit of dramatic arc because, well . . . Our heroine continues to plan her solitary…

3 July 2019

The Germans got it right with their word for wanderlust. Fernweh, or farsickness, is the perfect description for the longing I’ve held within myself for as long as I can remember. I get super swoony over the wonderment brought on by thoughts of heading off to other places. It’s where I go when I read,…

21 May 2019

It’s true, the Mona Lisa has a twin who lives in Spain. The Prado in Madrid has been home to what many considered a knock-off for years. Until it came down for restoration a few years ago, no one even knew that there was scenery behind a layer of black paint. Now, it turns out…

7 October 2018

My husband keeps telling me that I need to take a mental break, maybe think about new book WIP aesthetics. After the last couple of months working my face off to get The Maiden of Gevaudan in the shape it needs to be for contests and querying, I’m a little beat.  I took that break from the…