I love poems about light. It is one of those remarkable, ever-changing elements that produces some of the most magical and emotional experiences.
In the last few years, walking has become my form of divination. It is the place where I do my best creating, listening to trees and the ground. Watching for the hawks to circle. Asking the questions and tuning in for answers.
My favourite time to do that is early morning. So many of my best walks have come just as the sun rises and the world awakens. It is that time when the liminal is open to us passing through.
Lately, I’ve spent a fair bit of time contemplating how to find those poems about light, to move more slowly through life in order to fully live it. As my family contemplates a major shift, I want to be present for it, not lost in the busy-ness of new adventures. Morning walks, headphones off, senses engaged, spirit open to what comes is a good start.
The image here is from my October 2022 trip to France, in the forest at Château Gaillard Amboise. It is a place of absolute peace for me. So much so that I often dream of its quiet, the Amasse River, the sacred spring, and these 180 plane trees that line the pathway across of of the seven bridges to paradise.

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