Writing Workshops & Travel Guides You Fall For.

Travel Writing and Workshops

Narrative nonfiction is the staple of my writing life. I found myself dropped into the boiling water of an American newsroom at age 18 and had to learn how to tell real stories from real people in order to survive the rigors of reporting.

What great training for life! It also gave me a great base from which to learn creative writing after journalism gave way to a different sort of storytelling.

Since those reporter days, I have had the honor of working with some of the greatest essayists, biographers, memoirists, and academic writers in their fields. Through them, I learned the power of real-life narrative and honed my craft. I'm always working on this sort of storytelling because it proves more and more provocative all of the time.

My current travel projects include contemplative travel guides for the solo traveller.

Click on the links provided for more information about each title, and access to purchase links.


A New Breed of Travel Guides

I have just launched the new Pilgrimages For The Weary Storyteller series. These slow travel guides through France's Loire Valley (and soon, beyond) are designed as brief pilgrimage that can be done in a single day. They include a series of writing prompts to use as journal tools, creative inspiration, or contemplative questions to draw out the stories you long to tell.


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