1 December 2015

I’m talking about books on Roundhouse Radio! About a million years ago when I was a daily newspaper journalist in Spokane, Washington a group of reporters got together on-air for a segment on crime, social issues, breaking news and other current events. Some of my favourite memories from that part of my life were made behind…

17 October 2015

Ah, writing sprints ⁠— my favourite way to make progress on a WIP. Yes, they require me to get up at the crack of dawn, but I always get the best, very quiet, table at my favourite Vancouver café. Despite my serious addiction to the everything bagel egg melt they serve and returning home a…

8 September 2015

The discovery of characters, and the definition of their physical characteristics, allows us to develop a relationship, eventually drawing out emotions and motivations. Future Characters Kasey, Simon and Ahmad play a profound role in each other’s lives and the relationship that evolves between them provides a rich insight into their darkness. Storyboards are key to…