The launch of Woman On The Wall in 2022 turned out to be one of the most exciting and memorable moments of my life. As a mid-life debut author, it is truly all about sticking with dreams. When I first started out writing I was, seriously, terrible. Even ten years ago, still terrible. Today, better, I hope.
The year was full of adventures and lessons. I learned the business of books and all of the mistakes one can make along the way. I celebrated and wished I’d had more knowledge. Mostly, though, I found myself humbled by the lovely reception Woman On The Wall received from readers.
Woman On The Wall In 2022 – The Rewind
Here’s a little wrap up:
If I can leave this year with any advice for other indie authors, it is to take your time. Celebrate the wins. Understand that there will be fails and they are the best teachers. Support your local bookstores because they are on your team. Throw parties. Sign books. Take trips to share your book with strangers. It’s all of those things that makes this life as storytellers meaningful and worthwhile.
Don’t take it all too seriously. I did and missed some very special and important moments as a result.
2023 and Beyond
I am already well into the draft of Volume 2 of The Sibylline Chronicles. The Mother House is aiming for an early 2024 release. Meanwhile, there are a few non-fiction projects in the works. So, stay tuned.

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