20 June 2019

The epistolary novel is calling me. I’ve made a huge dent in Woman On The Wall this week. I finally hit my flow in the balance between the modern-day timeline and the historic epistolary component. Incorporating the fictitious journals and letters of Francesco Melzi is fun. Determining their role in the storytelling process has, to…

18 June 2019

My family heirloom stories seem to be growing as I get older. There are so many things that are being returned to me or rediscovered now. I think people stuff special bits and pieces of the life away in order to preserve it. However, there comes a point when making it a part of every…

13 June 2019

Novel writing provides the perfect excuse for exotic explorations — especially when it comes to choosing novel settings. And, I’m a bit lusty in the travel department — unable to get my mind off all the frolicking in France I’ll be doing this September. This isn’t new. My family will report that wanderlust and I…

8 June 2019

A Review of Cleopatra’s Daughter by Michelle Moran. I go through these phases where I read everything I can on a specific topic or region of the world. One dark Summer, I read every novel and non-fiction memoir I could find on the Armenian genocide. Another, I read every gothic horror novel I could get…