28 March 2022

Book cover design is all about one thing – compelling readers to engage with a story with one image.

The cover has to capture the story or a compelling moment in that story. It has to embolden the reader to not only pick up the novel, but open it up and start to share in the experience. It is, in many ways, the first advertising a reader may see for the novel so it has to grab their attention. The visuals are what will catch the eye in a sea of other novels on a book shelf or display.

25 March 2022

I’m beyond excited to announce that the book release of my debut novel, Woman On The Wall, is September 6, 2022. It’s taken a whole lot of work to get here, but there’s still plenty of heavy lifting ahead! Please sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date on book release details and…

22 March 2022

The anxiety of going it on my own as an indie author is so very real. It’s the great paradox – go it on my own and I have complete control over my work. However, the other side of that paradox is when I go it on my own I have complete responsibility for everything. I take the financial risk, the artistic risk, sales, no sales, appeal, no appeal, quality, no quality.